
Since its inception in 2015, N-and Group specialize in the design, development and manufacturing of cutting-edge products and software platforms to empower businesses and revolutionize the way human-machine interaction works. Scouting the latest technologies and market trends, we’re committed to providing our customers with innovative and outstanding solutions to increase their competitive edge and strengthen their position in the market.

Our Work

We accompany clients through their technology
acquisition or upgrade journey, scouting cutting-
edge technologies, providing guidance and support
every step of the way, from business case definition
to integration. As innovation enablers, our work
extends to a wide angle of industries and integrates
different technologies.

Shaped as a corporation
agile as a startup

Headquartered in the UK, we extend our presence to Europe and Asia through a network of operations and trade sites reporting to N-and Group.

Our day-to-day work follows established policies and processes, where ownerships and responsibilities are assigned, managed and results constantly monitored.

Our mindset is driven by performance, collaboration and adaptability. Actively working around traditional corporate hurdles, we move the needle on innovative endeavours to solve complex problems and positively transform the industry.

We foster a “forward-looking” culture dedicated on delivering game-changing results.